Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Moving on!

I finished up grammar, but definitely plan on returning and working towards better scores. I'm moving on to Anatomy and Physiology and I can't wait! I haven't even looked at it yet, but I'm excited to move on to more ACTUAL learning. I'll have no problem with the bones, that was (is) my favorite part of anthropology.

At this point I can see this path stretched out in front of me and it's... a pretty long path. I know it will only seem longer when I reach reports. I'm getting so antsy! I want to be doing it for real now! I don't know, maybe it's my age; it seems I'm fairly young compared to others on the forums. Some of the lovelies there are closer to my age but have kids as well. I still feel like a kid myself sometimes! I just need to try and settle myself down and make sure I learn everything as well as I can.

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