Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Word Building... going swimmingly. It almost feels like I'm moving through it too fast, like I should be taking more time. However, I'm fairly confident in my understanding and spelling and want to keep moving forward! I am grateful for the flash cards CS included with the materials, they've helped me to feel very confident in my learning AND I get to impress J with all the big words I know when I have him quiz me.

In the meantime, I'm trying to get a feel for what I want in a word list. I started with just a table in MS Word, but I really hate inserting new cells when needed (even with the keystrokes, I'm too impatient) and I hate the search function. So I downloaded Lil Red Notebook, which is fine, but I'd like to have definitions and notes on top of just the word, which LRN doesn't help with. Same with SlimList. I just downloaded PinderSoft's Pegasus CardFile, which is essentially a very simple rolodex situation, which is all I wanted. I'm test-driving it for a while, we'll see how it goes. Worth $20? We'll see. I'm also just a smidgen sad that I didn't upgrade to the Dorland Electronic Dictionary, as the online access is SLOW to retrieve words and definitions (again, impatience) but I think I'll be fine.

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